Pyhon Rountable Saturday Profilers --------- affects the runtime but pretty accurate hotshot was introduced in 2.1 or 2.2 has lower runtime overhead Boa constrictor ("Delphi for Python") also has a profiler Misc ---- Thread locks in Python can cause performance problems Pyrex is python compatible Boost::Python works well on PC Someone ported to GameCube, squeezed out float, long int, file support, modules, etc. got down to 340k Look up Python on embedded systems article Python for 8-bit microcontrollers is coming: many limitations but 63k and no heap usage __slots__ space efficient statically sized objects Python normally 1.7 MB footprint Lua has a 100k footprint including compiler and interpreter and is much faster. Has patches for reference counting instead of mark and sweep garbage collection. Easy to timeslice. good for support, see python-dev mailing list. (missed last half)